Hymns for Funerals
Bí Íosa im' Chroíse
Bí 'íosa im chroíse 's im chuimhne gach uair,
bí 'íosa im chroíse le haithrí go luath,
bí 'íosa im chroíse le dúthracht go buan,
's a íosa, 'Dhia dhílis, ná scar choíche uaim.
'Sé íosa mo ríse, mo chara 's mo ghrá,
'sé íosa mo dhídean ar pheaca 's ar bhás,
'sé íosa mo aoibhneas, mo sheasamh de ghnáth,
's a íosa, 'Dhia dhílis, ná scar liom go bráth.
Bí, 'íosa, go síoraí im chroí is im bhéal,
bí, 'íosa, go síoraí im thuiscint 's im mhéin,
bí, 'íosa, go síoraí im mheabhair mar léann,
's a íosa, 'Dhia dhílis, ná fág mé liom féin.
Ag Críost an Síol
Ag Críost an síol, ag Críost an fómhar;
in iothlainn Dé go dtógtar sinn.
Ag Críost an mhuir, ag Críost an t-iasc;
i líontaibh Dé go gcastar sinn.
Ó fhás go h'aois, is ó aois go bhás,
do dhá láimh, a Chríost, anall tharainn.
Ó bhás go críoch nach críoch ach athfhás,
i bParthas na ngrást go rabhaimid.
Only in God
Only in God will my soul be at rest,
from Him comes my hope, my salvation.
He alone is my rock of safety,
my strength, my glory, my God
Trust in Him at all times, O people,
and pour out your hearts.
God Himself is a Refuge for us
and a Stronghold for our fear.
Many times have I heard of His favor
His long-lasting love.
You, Yourself, Lord, reward all who labour
for love of Your name.
Only in God will my soul be at rest,
from Him comes my hope, my salvation.
He alone is my rock of safety,
my strength, my glory, my God,
.... my God.
How Great Thou Art
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
And when I think of God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Abide With Me
Abide with me; fast fall the eventide;
The darkness deepens—Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me!
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day,
Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me!
I need Thy presence ev'ry passing hour
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's pow'r?
Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me!
Hold Thou Thy word before my closing eyes,
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav'n's morning breaks and earth's vain shadows flee—
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
Henry F. Lyte, 1840
Be Still, My Soul
Be still, my soul—the Lord is on thy side!
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide—
In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul—thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul—thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past;
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake—
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul—the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Be still, my soul—the hour is hast'ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul—when change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Be Thou My Vision
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart—
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art;
Thou my best thought, by day or by night—
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word—
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son -
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise—
Thou mine inheritance, now and always;
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart—
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heav'n's Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
St Patrick, 5th Century
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Make me a channel of Your peace
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love
Where there is injury, Your pardon Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in You.
Make me a channel of Your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of Your peace
It is pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek…
Make me a channel of Your peace
Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness, ever joy.
Take Our Bread We Ask You
Take our bread, we ask you,
Take our hearts, we love you,
Take our lives, oh Father,
We are yours, we are yours.
Yours as we stand at the table you set,
Yours as we eat the bread our hearts can't forget.
We are the signs of your life with us yet;
We are yours, we are yours.
Take our bread, we ask you,
Take our hearts, we love you,
Take our lives, oh Father,
We are yours, we are yours.
Your holy people stand washed in your blood,
Spirit-filled, yet hungry, we await your food.
We are poor, but we brought ourselves the best we could.
We are yours, we are yours.
Take our bread, we ask you,
Take our hearts, we love you,
Take our lives, oh Father,
We are yours, we are yours.
The Day Thou Gavest
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended,
The darkness falls at thy behest;
To thee our morning hymns ascended,
Thy praise shall sanctify our rest.
We thank thee that thy Church unsleeping,
While earth rolls onward into light,
Through all the world her watch is keeping,
And rests not now by day or night.
As o'er each continent and island
The dawn leads on another day,
The voice of prayer is never silent,
Nor dies the strain of praise away.
The sun that bids us rest is waking
Our brethren 'neath the western sky,
And hour by hour fresh lips are making
Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
So be it, Lord; thy throne shall never,
Like earth's proud empires, pass away:
Thy kingdom stands, and grows for ever,
Till all thy creatures own thy sway.
John Ellerton, 1870
The Lord's my Shepherd
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want.
he makes me down to lie
in pastures green; he leadeth me
the quiet waters by.
My soul he doth restore again;
and me to walk doth make
within the paths of righteousness,
even for his own Name's sake.
Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,
yet will I fear no ill;
for thou art with me; and thy rod
and staff my comfort still.
My table thou hast furnishéd
in presence of my foes;
my head thou dost with oil anoint,
and my cup overflows.
Goodness and mercy all my life
shall surely follow me;
and in God's house forevermore
my dwelling place shall be.
Ave Verum Corpus
Ave ave verum Corpus
Hail, hail, true Body
Natum de Maria Virgine
Born of the Virgin Mary;
Vere passum, immolatum
Truly sufffered, sacrificed
In cruce pro homine:
On the cross for humankind
Cujus latus perforatum
Whose side, lance-pierced
Fluxit aqua et sanguine
Poured out water and blood
Esto nobis praegustatum
Be for us a foretaste of life
In mortis examine.
for the ordeal of death.